Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Portrait of Margaret Campbell by Artist Joe Campbell

Did this portrait of my daughter Margaret about 12 years ago. Really loved the way the sunlight affected the colour. The subtle graduations across the face took time. Also, I really liked the way the left eye was lit up by the light. This was a challenge but I'm proud of both the painting and of course, the sitter...

Monday, 2 February 2015

This is a page from a new compilation of poetry I'm putting together. The image makes more sense with the poem, Phil

Phil, vagabond and rocker
Playboy of the Western World
Poet, holder of our dreams
M16 rock
Machine-gun blues
Drilling a bore-hole
Through walls of indifference
Through the Northern Taliban pall
Through our hearts and into the wall
Of poe-faced fakery

Lizzy - loud, live and dangerous
Twin-guitared, guttural
Over-driven purveyors of precision
Rat-tatted, staccato riffs
Razor edged and riven
Driven through our heads
Living in our hearts
A delicious distortion
Of all that was holy

Wee Freebie: Future Shock Story War of the Worlds: Dave West & Joe Campbell

Here's a wee freebie. This is a story Dave West from Accent UK and myself submitted to 2000 AD Future Shocks. This one didn't make the cut. Not sure why. I always thought it was a nice piece of work even though I say so myself...

Just two more extracts from Missing: Have You Seen the Invisible Man? Written by Dave West, Artwork, Joe Campbell Available from Accent Uk: www.accentukcomics.com

Amelia Earhart Graphic Novel Colour Version

These are new colour versions of previously published pages from Amelia Earhart: First Lady of Aviation by Myself published by Uproar Comics. Really enjoyed adding in the colour. Turned out more of a watercolour effect. Just took the original pages into Photoshop added a new layer and set the layer to "multiply" this is like have a clear gel over the top of the original black and white artwork. You can colour the artwork without obscuring the lines underneath.